M-LAB [summer series] 
Sat 7.12 – Sat 8.23 [6 classes]
Out of the Blue Art Gallery
1-4pm, $20 [3 HOURS!]/$100 for the entire series
6 ppl max per class
pre-register now!
Movement Lab is a place for anybody (yes, I mean anybody) who can, want to or need to move their bodies in a way that feels good to you and only you.  I like to create this type of setting for you to come in, close your eyes and connect to your chi (breath, spirit, life force, prana, the thing that lives in all of us that makes us ALIVE) and to move with it.  There is no right or wrong way to move in movement lab.  This is about you.  Your chi.  Your body.  I’ll give guidelines, suggestions, tasks, considerations, invitations, but at the end of the day, it’s about giving you the opportunity to express what is moving through you through movement.  And then, we get to connect to each other too!  Yes, hands-on energy/body work (that feels like you’ve just stepped out of the spa), intuitive contact (where you talk to each other without words or facial expression, just with your body) and partnering fun (we play with space, the floor, music and most importantly, EACH OTHER!).  Come and try it out.  You can do no wrong.
Class focuses on movement improvisation based on stillness, instincts, imagery, breath, partnering and flow to nurture creative freedom through story-telling with the body.  A great place for dancers, actors, performers, body-workers and any creative artists.
To pre-register, email chienhwe@gmail.com
Checks can be mailed to the following address:
1 o o o  v i r t u e s
c/0 out of the blue art gallery
106 Prospect Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
“I have taken several theater and movement improvisation classes and I can say that Chien-Hwe’s Movement Lab classes are unique.  Chien-Hwe has the ability to adjust to the level of each student taking the class and to develop a valuable experience for everyone in the class.  Movement Lab also incorporates three elements – freedom of movements, introspection of the inner body and its impulses to move and space awareness – that are critical to dancers, performers and human beings evolving in current society. I would gladly take this class again and it would be better if the class were in the evening.”
 – Mae Paillet

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